
In the fall of 2023, I started to experience a very unusual health issue. Even now, two years later, I still find it hard to describe what I was going through.

I would get a strange sensation throughout my torso and start shaking uncontrollably. Something strange was definitely going on with my heart, but I didn’t know what it was. My watch sensor once identified it as atrial fibrillation – an irregular and often rapid heart rhythm.

My body was telling me to move, walk, climb stairs, do push-ups – something not generally common to heart issues. But I listened to my body, not knowing what else to do and walked for 30, 40, sometimes 60 minutes through my neighborhood, or inside my house (depending on the tine of night), until the symptoms subsided.

At times when I felt unwell and scared, I went to the emergency room, and they found nothing irregular on my ECG. Even after being admitted overnight on the first occasion, nothing was uncovered. All the tests were 100% normal.

I worked with two types of cardiologists and underwent an array of blood tests, scans and minorly invasive procedures to find nothing.  I was frustrated, confused and feeling hopeless. The doctors were at a loss. I was taking pills to help with the symptoms, but I had no answers to the problem. When I discovered that my blood pressure spiked dangerously when I experienced the symptoms (187 / 95), the doctor’s office would advise me to take a larger dose of medication. Because I didn’t have high blood pressure, the additional medication caused my blood pressure to be too low when I was not having symptoms. Keep in mind that I was not feeling the symptoms of this issue all the time. I was worrying about them all the time, because I wouldn’t know when they would sneak up and consume me.

It wasn’t until I had lunch with a wonderful friend who told me about a health issue, she was having that doctors weren’t able to diagnose. Someone told her about a medical intuitive – Jay Caliendo – who ended up helping her with her issue. A medical intuitive is not a medical specialist. They are people who are able to see energy which aids them in assisting others with health issues – providing them with potentially new insights. He refers to himself as “the last resort” after doctors can’t diagnose the problem.

Jay identified that my cranium was tight and putting pressure on my vagus nerve. He recommended two specialists to help me. Working with these providers using the Barral technique and acupuncture, I was able to feel a huge difference in my health within a few months.

I now have a variety of additional tools to help me, such as submerging my face in ice water. This easy technique immediately calms your nervous system and helps your vagus nerve work effectively.

I’m happy to say, I haven’t needed medications in over 18 months, have been able to resume my physical activities and when I feel some symptoms arising have the tools to relieve them quickly.

If I didn’t learn about the vagus nerve and how it can affect our health. I would be depressed, on unnecessary medications and probably still running to the emergency room and wasting lots of money on useless medical services.